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A Passable Room for Gods (tags: Loki and Balder)

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A Passable Room for Gods (tags: Loki and Balder) Empty A Passable Room for Gods (tags: Loki and Balder)

Post by Thor Odinson Wed Jan 01, 2014 8:22 pm

Thor made his way to the dorms, he had gotten a notice that he would be roomed with his family. On the one hand he was excited to see his family but on the other he silently wished he had had a room of his own in case he had some lady friends who might want to spend some time with him. Ahh well he was sure things would be fine here, finding the room he let out a whistle it was an acceptable room not quite like his rooms in Asgard but acceptable nonetheless. He put his bag against the one near the window, he liked the view and besides he liked it well enough. He twirled Mjolnir in his hands and started to nod, yes he would like it here even if it wasn't like Asgard.
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Thor Odinson

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A Passable Room for Gods (tags: Loki and Balder) Empty Re: A Passable Room for Gods (tags: Loki and Balder)

Post by Loki Laufeyson Wed Jan 01, 2014 8:41 pm

"Nice room, almost half as good as the one you have back home eh?" a sly voice broke the silence.
Already seated comfortably in the bed, the young trickster was smirking up at the young deity, looking like he just discoverd the biggest secret hidden to the wrold and planning to blackmail god himself. Well, he just might, once he was allowed back home that is.
Titling his head slightly, Loki allowed himself to fall back agaisnt the soft and clean sheets, deliberately messing it up.
He suddenly snapped his head back, green eyes staring into strong blue ones. "So, I only expect the best now thunderbolt," sounding dead serious even with the nickname he had for Thor. "Brin over the best ladies you find, or men whichever works fine, and put on a great show for me~" he finished with a shit eating grin. "you won't even notice I'm here. And always go out with 'BANG' 'kay? You're great with that," he snickerd at his own joke.

A Passable Room for Gods (tags: Loki and Balder) Tumblr_ljs5kqlQtq1qdc2a7o1_r1_500

"How is it that I always turn up at the worst part your conversations?" Balder growned as he stepped inside the room, a look of disgust clear on his face.
he ignroed the dissapointed whine from Loki and sat his bag down, giving them both a smile.
Knowing Loki was more thna just annoyed and irritaed with his precense, he turned to great his half brother first.
"It's been a while," he smiled, giving the other a friendly pat on the shoulder. "But please try and not brign over a lady TOO OFTEN. I need my beauty sleep."

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Loki Laufeyson

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A Passable Room for Gods (tags: Loki and Balder) Empty Re: A Passable Room for Gods (tags: Loki and Balder)

Post by Thor Odinson Wed Jan 01, 2014 9:13 pm

Thor rolled his eyes at the two of them before tossing his bag at Loki, "And that's why I always have company." He said right back at him before glancing back at Balder, "Like you haven't thought about bringing a lady into your chambers." He stated with a knowing look on his face before patting him on the shoulder. "You know I don't like it when you snore." He stated to Loki with a little grin before moving to sit down on the bed, not caring in the slightest that he might be invading his personal space.
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Thor Odinson

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A Passable Room for Gods (tags: Loki and Balder) Empty Re: A Passable Room for Gods (tags: Loki and Balder)

Post by Loki Laufeyson Wed Jan 01, 2014 9:27 pm

Loki let out a small 'huff' as the bag hit him, pouting slightly as he tossed it down to the floor instead. As soon as Thor took a seat beside him though, he wasted no time on latching himself onto the bigger of the two. "At least i don't sound like a daying Jotun when I snore~" he sang, arm tightly wrapped around THor, obviously not caring about something called 'personal space' either.

Balder rolled his eyes, sadly enough already used to the two's behaviour. Even the trickster's. He didn't bother denying the fact that yes, of course even he's thoguth about bringign a lady over. but he would be smart enough to do it when none of the two troublemakes were there.
"I'm more concerend about what Loki will do to us in our sleep," he said flatly.

A Passable Room for Gods (tags: Loki and Balder) Tumblr_mel3yihImi1rpvgyjo4_250

Loki snorted. "Oh please, you both know you'd love it anyway," he smirked back, mentally cheering on himself as he took notice of the shudder Balder had.
"So anyway, when are you two planning on bringign over those lovely ladies here?" he changed the subject.
Balder raised an eyebrow at him.
"Oh come, you know who I mean. That lady who was nice enough to show you around... when you got lost," he grinned.
Balder cleared his throut.
"And I don't need to ask if you already met someone, thunderbolt," he turned to Thor with a knowing smile.

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Loki Laufeyson

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A Passable Room for Gods (tags: Loki and Balder) Empty Re: A Passable Room for Gods (tags: Loki and Balder)

Post by Thor Odinson Wed Jan 01, 2014 9:52 pm

Thor glanced down at Loki with a raised eyebrow as he wrapped himself around him. He rolled his eyes and gently shoved him off, "I hardly sound like a dying Jotun, you on the other hand sound like a Bilgesnipe." He stated with a smirk. He noted that Balder didn't deny the claim that he had thought about bringing a lady into their shared rooms much to his amusement. "Yes well that's why I have learned to sleep with one eye open around him." He stated, not even kidding. As Loki stated that they'd both love it Thor made a face, "I think not." He said decisively before listening to Loki bring up a woman that had apparently shown Balder around. "Wait, tell us more about this woman." He urged Balder with a wider smile before glancing over at Loki, "You're not off the hook either, I do believe I saw you with one of Freya's daughters earlier on." He said with a wink.
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Thor Odinson

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A Passable Room for Gods (tags: Loki and Balder) Empty Re: A Passable Room for Gods (tags: Loki and Balder)

Post by Loki Laufeyson Thu Jan 02, 2014 8:50 am

Loki didn't looked offended or dissapointed as Thor brushed him off, just chuckled at him as he made himself comfortable on the bed again.
"Why thank you~" he said back at Thor's comment about him sounding like a Bilgesnipe, looking proud at first for soem reason. "Wait... you mean I look repulsive?" he faked a hurt pout. "You're just jealous I can morph into a woman or anything more attractive than you."

A Passable Room for Gods (tags: Loki and Balder) Tumblr_lm7xppwE8a1qzd8byo1_r3_500

Balder only looked less and less thrileld about sharing this room by the minute. He was pretty sure Loki was doing this on purpose...
He open his mouth to respond to Thor's demand, about to say that Selina had only been a nice and well mannerd lady, but he trickster beat him to it.
"She reminded me of a cat," he grinend wickeldy, making a purring sound. "Mjau~"
"Stop that," Balder mutterd, before taking in the rest of what Thor said to Loki. "...Freya's daughter?" he repeated in disbelief, quickly growing concerned of their safety.
"Please tell me she still had her cloths on when you left her," he said with a stern voice, wich the trickster just rolled his eyes at.
"Relaaaaax, lightbulb," Loki mutterd, makign Balder's eyes twitch at the nickname. "I'm not that big of a manwhor-"
"Yes you are."
"Ok, I am. But I didn't touch her. Geez, we just had a nice talk~"
Loki's smirk didn't put Balder's worry at ease.
Ignoring Balder, Loki turned back to Thor. "Tell us about the girl with the ncie ass you spoke to instead," he urged. "When you bring her over, let me know."
"Why do I even bother..." Balder mutterd defeated in the background.

Loki Laufeyson

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A Passable Room for Gods (tags: Loki and Balder) Empty Re: A Passable Room for Gods (tags: Loki and Balder)

Post by Thor Odinson Fri Jan 03, 2014 3:11 am

Thor made a face at the thought of Loki turning into a woman, he didn't need the visual thank you very much. As Loki mentioned the woman reminding Loki of a cat he grinned, "Indeed? I'll have to see her to believe it." He stated loudly. He listened with a wide smile as Balder asked Loki if the girl had had clothes on, "We all know your reputation with the ladies Loki." He said with a wink in his direction. As Loki brought up Laura Thor brightened, "She's a fun person to be around, you'd like her Loki she has quite the sense of humor." He said remembering the little prank she had pulled on him earlier. "And why would I tell you if I ever invited her here?" He asked with a raised eyebrow, glancing over at Balder with a little shake of his head.

Thor Odinson

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A Passable Room for Gods (tags: Loki and Balder) Empty Re: A Passable Room for Gods (tags: Loki and Balder)

Post by Loki Laufeyson Fri Jan 03, 2014 10:44 am

Loki's smile grew more wicked if possible. "Ladies, and men," he purred, just beacuse he loved seeing the two stronger guys getting all uncomfortable.
Balder had just given up and walked towards the window, quite enjoying the view it gave him.
"Beacuse he's a pervert who eaisly gets bored and enjoys bringing misery to others," Balder answeard before Loki this time, sticking out his tounge at the pout the trickster gave him. However, the half-god quickly went back to his typical expression, and Balder didn't even have to guess that whatever he said next would make him want to bang his head against the wall.
"I learned from the best you know," he said happily, making Balder's eyes widen in pure disgust. "Odin taught me different ways on how to-"
"STOP. Not another word," Balder warned, hand coverign his eyes while tried to get rid of a very disgusting image of his own father from his head.
While the god of light was busy doing just that, Loki focused back on Thor with a grin. "So when I can meet this girl with a good sense of humor?"

Loki Laufeyson

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A Passable Room for Gods (tags: Loki and Balder) Empty Re: A Passable Room for Gods (tags: Loki and Balder)

Post by Thor Odinson Fri Jan 03, 2014 8:40 pm

Thor wrinkled his nose at the very thought before watching Balder walk over towards the window. At his words he chuckled and shook his head before leaning over to ruffle Loki's hair. He grimaced though as Loki brought up Odin, "I have to agree with Balder no I don't want to hear anymore." He stated with a shudder, not liking the mental images he had just had. Thor glanced over at Laura, "I'm surprised you haven't met her yet." He admitted though he had a small smile on his face. "You'll just have to wait like Balder here." He said as he smirked over at Balder.
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Thor Odinson

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A Passable Room for Gods (tags: Loki and Balder) Empty Re: A Passable Room for Gods (tags: Loki and Balder)

Post by Loki Laufeyson Sat Jan 04, 2014 7:36 am

Loki grumbled under his breathe right after Thor messed up his hair, looking slightly displeaed for only a few seconds before brightening up again.
"Hey, i'm not going around after good looking beings ALL the time," he snorted, laying down on the bed. "You know well enough I'm busy with different things too~ Besides, gotta give youa chance with the ladies too now and then right?"
Balder rolled his eyes, apparnetly back from his own thoughts as he turned to face thme again. "Speaking of wich," he began, voice stern but yet soft.
"Planning on telling us what's wrong with your leg?"
This caught the trickster off guard, and tensed for a few seconds before quickly relaxing. "What are you on about, light bulb?"
Balder's eye twitched.
"Normally you'd be all over the room with your annoying antics, the few times your this calm and in one place, you're either upseat or hurt," he said matter of factly.
Loki turned so his back was facing the two. That was all Balder needed to know he'd been right.

Loki Laufeyson

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A Passable Room for Gods (tags: Loki and Balder) Empty Re: A Passable Room for Gods (tags: Loki and Balder)

Post by Thor Odinson Sat Jan 04, 2014 5:27 pm

Thor frowned, "You know Blader has a point, did something happen to you Loki?" He asked with a frown as he turned to look down at him. He started to get angry at the thought of someone hurting his little brother, even if he wasn't really his brother but he was adopted and thus he was like a brother. "Who hurt you Loki?" He asked with a thunderous expression brewing behind his eyes. He'd make sure whoever had hurt him would regret it and dearly so.

Thor Odinson

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A Passable Room for Gods (tags: Loki and Balder) Empty Re: A Passable Room for Gods (tags: Loki and Balder)

Post by Loki Laufeyson Sat Jan 04, 2014 6:17 pm

Loki mumbled something under his breathe, his good mood thrown out of the window the second Balder just had to be a smart ass and notice every little detail.
Pushing himself off into a sitting position again, he moved until he was sitting at the edge of the bed. "Easy there thundebolt, before you end up roasting up the whole room," he said flatly at the look Thor had. He sent balder a glare that something along the line off 'I really dislike you', wich Balder seemed to be pretty immune to by now.
He sighed. "It's no big deal, stop giving yourself heart attacks. You know I'm always getting into trouble... and some bruises along with it," he added with a small smirk.

Loki Laufeyson

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A Passable Room for Gods (tags: Loki and Balder) Empty Re: A Passable Room for Gods (tags: Loki and Balder)

Post by Thor Odinson Sun Jan 05, 2014 5:00 pm

Thor frowned, "That doesn't answer my question Loki who is to blame for doing this to you?" He demanded. He wouldn't let up until he had a good honest answer, one that made sense and one where he would have viable cause to beat the holy Odin shit out of whoever deserved it. His hand moved to his hammer and his fingers flexed a little bit, no doubt wanting an excuse to fling it at whoever deserved it.

Thor Odinson

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A Passable Room for Gods (tags: Loki and Balder) Empty Re: A Passable Room for Gods (tags: Loki and Balder)

Post by Loki Laufeyson Sun Jan 05, 2014 5:09 pm

Loki didn't look botherd at all by Thor's rising anger. If anythign he was just enjoying it, although his face showe dnothign but boredom and irritation at the moment.
Balder sighed. He could nderstand why this made his half-brother upseat, but that didn't mena he'd just let the hothead fly off to slaughter whoever. Or ruining this nice room given to them.
He laid a hand on Thor's shoulder, reminding him to calm down.
"....I just had a little bet with the elves," came Loki's simple answear after long moment, arms crossed over his slim chest. "And they were sore losers, but that's nothing new! See, i'm not even that badly injured and- OW!" his sentence got cut off when Balder grabbed his leg and showed his badly bruised, swollen and cut ankle for Thor to see.
" day you'll pay for being such a smart ass," Loki mutterd and looked away defeated.

Loki Laufeyson

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A Passable Room for Gods (tags: Loki and Balder) Empty Re: A Passable Room for Gods (tags: Loki and Balder)

Post by Thor Odinson Sun Jan 05, 2014 5:55 pm

Thor got up off the bed almost causing Loki to fall off the bed in the process. "Damn elves, I'll make them rue the day they chose to hurt you." He snarled as he summoned Mjolnir to his hand and started to stride for the door. As Balder tried to stop him he gave him one of his infamous glares, "Don't stop me brother." He said as he leveled his finger at him before opening the door and stepping out.

Thor Odinson

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A Passable Room for Gods (tags: Loki and Balder) Empty Re: A Passable Room for Gods (tags: Loki and Balder)

Post by Loki Laufeyson Sun Jan 05, 2014 6:03 pm

Balder let out a sigh again, still ignoring the death glare the trickster was giving him.
"If you hadn't insisted, then Thor wouldn't be after blood right now" Loki mutterd as he carefully crawled onto the bed again.
"If I hadn't insisted, then Thor would've found out on his own and we know how THAT usally ends," Balder pointed out, making Loki shut up for a few seconds.
The god of light had quickly made his way over to Thor, grabbed his arm in wich he was holding Mjölnir in and gave him a hard look. "Don't do things you'll regret later on," he said sternly, eyes hard. "You'll most likely hurt some innocents and therefor casue more trouble not only for Loki, but for the rest as well."
As Balder was busy calming the other down, Loki had slowly jumped off the bed on one leg and tried to reach the window. Before he could though, Balder's voice stopped him.
"And YOU still have some explaining to do."

Loki Laufeyson

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A Passable Room for Gods (tags: Loki and Balder) Empty Re: A Passable Room for Gods (tags: Loki and Balder)

Post by Thor Odinson Mon Jan 06, 2014 1:57 pm

Thor yanked his arm free, "Its nothing they wouldn't deserve." He snarled down at Balder. He knew he was being rash but at that moment he couldn't quite bring himself to care. "Go watch over Loki brother, while I deal with those responsible." He added before he kept walking down the hall.

Thor Odinson

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A Passable Room for Gods (tags: Loki and Balder) Empty Re: A Passable Room for Gods (tags: Loki and Balder)

Post by Loki Laufeyson Mon Jan 06, 2014 2:12 pm

Balder growled under his breath as Thor refused to calm the hell down, but kept calm nonetheless.
Giving Loki a warnign look, the trickster stilled his movements again when he tried to escape a second time. Without a word, Balder had grabbed hold of Loki's collar and nearly dragged him to where Thor was, only to place in the angry deity's way.
"Um..." Loki began, rubbing his neck as he thought what to say to Thor before he went berserk again. "It was totally their fault," he said with a blank face, reciving a slap to the back of his head by Balder. "Ok ok! Please don't go and slaughter those sore losers," he growled, starring righto into Thor's eyes. "It's not worth it."

Loki Laufeyson

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A Passable Room for Gods (tags: Loki and Balder) Empty Re: A Passable Room for Gods (tags: Loki and Balder)

Post by Thor Odinson Mon Jan 06, 2014 2:58 pm

Thor frowned as Loki spoke to him, raising an eyebrow when Balder slapped him upside the head. "Are you sure Loki? I don't like the fact that they did this to you." He stated as he twirled his hammer loosely in his grip.

Thor Odinson

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A Passable Room for Gods (tags: Loki and Balder) Empty Re: A Passable Room for Gods (tags: Loki and Balder)

Post by Loki Laufeyson Mon Jan 06, 2014 3:16 pm

Loki snorted, and started to look proud. "Well you should've seen how left them after I- OW!" he glared at Balder, rubbing the back of his head.
"Yes I'm certain Thor. I may be a sadistic asshole at times but I'm not evil," he sighed. "So plase calm the hell down, or else Odin will come here and punish us both..." he snickerd.

Loki Laufeyson

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A Passable Room for Gods (tags: Loki and Balder) Empty Re: A Passable Room for Gods (tags: Loki and Balder)

Post by Thor Odinson Mon Jan 06, 2014 4:01 pm

Thor growled and slammed his fist into the wall not even flinching at the contact, or at the fact that he had just made quite a big hole in the wall. Breathing heavily he nodded, "Very well then...I think I am going to train." He said as he gave the wall a dark look before he started to leave yet again.

Thor Odinson

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A Passable Room for Gods (tags: Loki and Balder) Empty Re: A Passable Room for Gods (tags: Loki and Balder)

Post by Loki Laufeyson Mon Jan 06, 2014 4:24 pm

Neither Balder or Loki reacted either as Thor punched a hole through the wall, just sighed as he turned around to leave.
I think we just saved a couple of lifes there, Balder thought tiredly to himself, glancig towards the smaller body at his side.
He blinked when he took in the rare look of regret Loki had, and gently placed a hand on his shoulder when eh moved to go after Thor. "Take care of that injury first," he said, once again ignoring the dark glare the trickster gave him.
Loki shoved the hand off of him and left the opposite way.
Why am I always the bad guy? Balder thought to himself while catching up with Thor. "Would you mind a sparring partner?"

Loki Laufeyson

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A Passable Room for Gods (tags: Loki and Balder) Empty Re: A Passable Room for Gods (tags: Loki and Balder)

Post by Thor Odinson Mon Jan 06, 2014 5:09 pm

Thor was still brooding and glanced over at him, "Only if you think you can keep up brother." He stated with a rough grin that was slow to show but he was trying at least for Balder's sake.

Thor Odinson

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A Passable Room for Gods (tags: Loki and Balder) Empty Re: A Passable Room for Gods (tags: Loki and Balder)

Post by Balder Odinson Mon Jan 06, 2014 5:20 pm

Balder rolled his eyes, giving his half-brother a cocky smirk in return. "Please, you should aks yourself that," he smiled.
he knew Thor was obviously still upset, and thought it maybe be best to just leave him alone for the moment... to cool off.

Balder Odinson

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A Passable Room for Gods (tags: Loki and Balder) Empty Re: A Passable Room for Gods (tags: Loki and Balder)

Post by Thor Odinson Mon Jan 06, 2014 7:28 pm

He snorted, "Sure thing." He stated as he glanced over at him and gave him a shit eating grin. He sighed out, "I'm just going to warn you...I think I'll be especially violent today." He said after a moment.

Thor Odinson

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A Passable Room for Gods (tags: Loki and Balder) Empty Re: A Passable Room for Gods (tags: Loki and Balder)

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